Friday, 12 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Behind the Scenes - Day Two 11/11/10

Behind the scenes of Day two filming 
Part Two

James Hewit
John Boocock
Thomas Oldroyd

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Behind the Scenes - Day One 9/11/10

Behind the scenes footage of day one of shooting on 'The Pregnant Guy'
Part one
Part two

Corey Jackson
James Hewit
John Boocock
Thomas Oldroyd

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Filming Schedule (Unfinished)

Current Forecast (subject to change)
In Class Filming
Tuesday 10:50-12:20
Thursday 9:00-10:30
Friday 15:20-16:50

Tuesday -  Forecast - Light Rain
     Set off to film outside Queens Road Clinic for the shot of Kevin walking into the clinic
Weather Dependent - 15-20 mins
     Convocation between Kevin and Expert, taking place in Barnsley College Old Mill Lane in Sexual Health Clinic
Dependant on expert - 20-25 mins
     Kevin Checking into the clinic to wait for Expert, location and receptionist undecided
5-10 mins

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Descriptions of Location Photos (Unfinnished)

This first photo is for the location of the scene involving Kevin and Beth's dad. We see Kevin getting interviewed in lock park as he is expecting to meet Beth here. when to Kevin's surprise rather then Beth, her dad turns up to confront Kevin about his daughters pregnancy and to tell Kevin to stay out of Beth's Life. As with most other scenes this one will be mainly unscripted, with the actors just given just key notes on the direction of the convocation, this is so that it doesn't sound scripted and will hopefully be as close to a real life documentary as possible.

Risk Assessment

Here is the risk assessment for our documentary, there is also a version uploaded onto Google Documents which can be found here.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Location Photos

Here are some photos taken on two possible outdoor locations, the first couple are of Yorkshire Sculpture Park

These next ones are of Lock Park

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Pictures of Possible Shooting Locations.

The first link is to a possible setup for the Family Planning Clinic that Kevin and the camera crew visits. It should be a simple design for seating, with the walls being clinical white, possibly displaying medical equipment and information posters concerning health issues. If at all possible, we will film in an actual clinic of some sort, to make the documentary look as genuine as possible.   1st Picture  2nd Picture 3rd Picture

The above three pictures are of several locations. The first is of Yorkshire Sculpture Park, a good place to have fade in's and outs to show the scene and make the shots much more interesting and compelling for the audience to look at.
The second is of the tower in Locke Park. This is a much more local park, used only if we need extra shots or possibly if the travels fares become too much for any individual crew member. Also may be used for extra scenic shots, like the aforementioned tower.
The third picture is of the playground. If there are children playing here and we get permission forms signed for it, we will shoot children playing here.

Twitter and Film Ideas

We have set up twitter accounts for Kevin and Beth. We are wanting to have some of the tweets scrolling along the bottom or appearing somewhere on the screen to show Kevins thoughts like on the All Time Low video for Weightless.

By doing this we would be able to show what kevin is thinking without the need for him to say it.

Youtube Video Here

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


We are hoping to get our documentary distributed by Channel 4. This is because Channel 4 has a wide variety of documentaries and also have shown a series of 'Cutting Edge' documentaries which we believe this documentary would fit in well with as we believe our documentary is quite cutting edge.

To get our documentary onto channel 4 we can go down two different roads, the first being to go onto the channel 4 Microsite, this shows all about channel 4 and what its about. The second is to go onto the C4 Talent website, this is for people wanting to kick start there media career, whether that be submitting an idea to channel 4, being an extra on a show, or a job at channel 4.

To this date, channel 4 has aired 596 documentaries, many of them also being available on their online site at 4od

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Photo of the form needed

Here is a photo of the form needed to be able to film one of our possible scenes which would include filming in the park with children, for this we will need a release form signed by the parents of the children

The Pregnant Guy Questionnaire

Just finished editing our filming of our Questionnaire


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Audience Research

Spent the lesson editing the audience research ready to put on the blog

Friday, 1 October 2010

Christmas with Dad: Documentary Analysis.

This documentary film, while the genre and topic is vastly different to ours, shows many shots and techniques that are classic to a documentary that I would like to incorporate into our own film. For example, to change a scene, the camera normally focuses in on a smaller object in the scene and then a sudden cut happens to bring the camera into the bigger picture. In 'Christmas with Dad', the camera focuses in on the Christmas decorations on the house as an introduction and then cuts immediately to the father stood outside the house with the decorations on it, tying him into the established scene. Not only does this set the scene where the father is, but it also subconsciously tells the audience what tome of year it is, and what the environment is going to be like.

Another technique that appears is the idea of expanding the scene with other shots while the person being interviewed is speaking. In 'Christmas', while the father is speaking about his family, it cuts to them in turn and shots of around the house that he lives in, giving the audience a wider idea of what kind of lifestyle these people have and, most importantly, informs the viewers more about the situation being presented. This could be infinitely useful for our own documentary as we can use these shots to expand the scene. To use as an example, there could be a scene where Kevin is in the park waiting for Beth and is being interviewed about his thoughts, and the camera could pan to some children playing in the park (Permision forms would be filled out beforehand) to reflect on his feelings towards the subject.

The final analysis I can make of this documentary is to use shots where there are no actors in it to show the passage of time. In the above documentary, it uses shots of the cityscape, firstly in the dark with the streetlights all on, and secondly a shot in the morning to show how the time has passed in the documentary. This could be useful in our own documentary to show if a certain amount of time has passed. It could be implemented at the very beginning to show time has passed between the 'Before the Break' segment where Kevin breaks up with her on bonfire night to the present time in the documentary where he agrees to go to a family planning clinic for more information. 

Teen Father's Rights and Responsibilities (Research)

During the research into the certain factors that will change the attitude of teenage parents, I have come across a FAQ website written by a former editor for a website section dedicated to give advice to teenagers. He writes about the rights and responsibilities of teen fathers and how to specifically tell if they are indeed the father of the child. I will post the links below:   Page 1  Page 2

If at all possible, I would include this information in the documentary in the educational segments as part of the information given. Not much information is available to the fathers in the relationship and this website is one of the few I have found on the subject that speaks directly to the male counterpart.

Full Documentary Treatment

The video of the interview

today we took the video of the interview and put it on the mac ready for editing


Catchup Montage
Main program title & theme.
Close-up of Main Character, hooded walking down an alleyway towards camera.
'We've been following Kevin, 17. Who impregnated a younger on a one night stand, and now is in a relationship with her'
Medium shots of Beth sat in garden with BFFL, long shot of her father looking in from the window.
'Beth, 16. Kevin's girlfriend now 3 month pregnant, and is just starting to show the signs of pregnancy'
Show Main Character sat in undisclosed location with friends, close up of him, few friends faces and on alcohol he is drinking.
'Kevin persists to drink even though hes soon to be a father facing this makes him try and drink himself unconscious'

Program title shown: 'The Pregnant Guy'
Scene1 (Kevin And Beths Breakup, October 27th):
Camera on clock, aruond 6/7ish watching second hand ticking, pan to beth who is sat at home in dressing gown on laptop with TV just for background noise.
Beth 'Dammit where is he?'
N 'Waiting for Kevin?'
Beth 'Yea he said he was meeting me today'
Camera on clock again, time passage to 21:20
Beth 'Hes. . . hes, in town, now . . . when he should be here'
N 'How do you know?'
Beth 'Hes just put it online'
Shot of Kevins Twitter update Dissolve to next shot
Shot of can of beer on table picked up and drank, camera pans out to show kevin and his friends sat at a table with drinks. Drunken Banter
Kevin and friends walking down a street singing, arms round each other. Fade to black, musical jingle as fade out.

Scene2 (Beth at Home, October 28th)
Fade in on a sunrise, with jingle still playing
N 'With the events of the previous night still fresh, keving standing beth up, and going out and getting drunk against her will, still feeling rough from the next day, Kevin decides to give beth a visit'
Kevin walking up to Beths house, up the drive the camera following him down the drive to the door. Foused on his feet as he walks. Camera pans up as Kevin knocks.
The door opens, to reveal Beths dad, stood in the doorway with a displeased look upon his face.
Dad 'What now?'
Kevin 'I want to talk to Beth'
Dad 'I think youve said enough'
Kevin, Quizzical look
Dad 'Take your bull and get off my lawn'
Door slams shut
Kevin 'What the hell, i mean prick, let me see her'
Bangs on door
Kevin 'Oh for f**ks sake, what the hell'
Kevin storms off back down the drive and off the street.

Scene3 (Beths Descion):

Scene4 (Kevin At The Clinic, November 9th):
Long shot of unrelated something, panning down onto Kevin, following him up the street via, hand held camera.
Kevin then walks into family planning clinic and camera pans to the family planning logo.
Next shot - Dissolve to close up of clock, zoom out to see Kevin stood at reception talking to receptionist
Receptionist: 'If you take a seat someone will be with you momentarily'
Kevin turns and walks out of shot towards seats.
Cut to Kevin sat facing camera being interviewed
N 'What do you hope to get from talking to the pregnancy adviser'
brief talk from Kevin.
Tanoy:'Kevin Burrows would you please go in to see the adviser now'
Kevin stands up, and walks out of room.

Scene5 (Kevins Ephiphany, November 9th):

Scene6 (Kevins meeting with beth):

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Shooting Script

Catch-up Montage - Several Locations

Main program title & theme.
Close-up of Main Character, establishing shot.
Medium shots of Beth, long shot of her father looking in from the window. Snippets of dialogue (unscripted) taken, to show the general gist of what has happened so far.
Show Main Character sat in undisclosed location with friends, close up of him, few friends faces and on alcohol he is drinking. PAN over scene before fade to black.
Program title shown: 'The Pregnant Guy'

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Audience Questionaire

Here is our audience questionnaire, we will then be asking a selection of people, and filming there answers.

Q1.  What do you enjoy to watch on tv?

Q2.  How often do you watvch tv?

Q3. Do you watch documentaries? and what type?

Q4. What attracts you to certain shows?

Q5. What time and days do you watch the most tv?

Q6. Do you often watch shows after the watershed?

Q7. Would you be interested in watching a documentaries about teenage pregnancy where the male is the central role in the documentary in comparison the the stereotypical female preferring role most other similar documentaries choose to take?

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Character Profiles

1.  Kevin Burrows:
 Main character, a 17 year old student from Yorkshire, Lundwood. He is studying Construction, has the dream of being a master builder in the future and is the sole focus of the documentary. Irresponsible, unsure and generally not bothered about caring for the child at the beginning, Kevin goes through an epiphany in the segment shown where he feels he should take responsibility for his actions and his budding family. The development culminates in Kevin facing a major dilemma when Jason, Beth's father, tells him to leave the family alone and to stay out of his daughter's life.
Twitter: Kevb2k9

2. Beth Sullivan:
 16 year old mother, soon to be starting college and is the youngest in the Sullivan family with two older sisters (remain unseen, possible cameo in the first segments?). After the one night stand with Kevin, she seemed very scared about becoming a mother so young, but is starting to come round to the idea and opts against having an abortion. She feels as though there is a future between her and Kevin if only he would become more responsible and try to make it work.
At the end of the segment she admires Kevin a lot more for wanting to take up his part in raising the child but distraught as her father is getting in the way of it working.
Twitter: xxBethBbyxx

3. The Expert:
 A pediatrician and an expert on psychology, the expert gives insight into what teenage mothers and fathers go through pre-birth. In this segment, he gives a short interview on how teenage fathers usually abandon the mother and the child very early on in the relationship.

4. Jason Sullivan:
 Jason is 40 years old and Beth's father. He is dismayed at his daughter for getting pregnant so young and is very protective of her. While the rest of the Sullivan's seem to like Kevin, Jason is fully against him being part of the family, claiming him to be an irresponsible layabout that will be a terrible father to the child.
He appears in the final part the segment, interrupting an interview with Kevin on what he plans to do now he has learned more about what his responsibilities to the child will be, telling him to leave the family alone and to not bother his daughter ever again.

5. Friends in flashbacks:
 Appear in the reminder at the very start of the segment. Tell Kevin not to bother about the kid and to leave the mother with it. Shown as being laddish, crude and irresponsible.


Sunday, 19 September 2010

5 Minute Treatment

Style: 5 Minute Segment of a Documentary.

Programme: The Pregnant Guy (Working Title)

Audience: Ages 15-99. People who would enjoy this documentary are the people who would also enjoy looking ay other similar documentaries created on British television and are shown generally at 9pm at night.

Resume: The documentary would follow Kevin Burrows, a teenager from North England who is going to become a dad aged 16 from his girlfriend of three months. The documentary would detail some facts about teenage pregnancy throughout the five minutes as well as tackle the problems that teenage father's face, which many documentaries on the subject overlook.

The camera crew will follow Kevin in his everyday life leading up to his choice on whether to stay with the mother to help raise the child, or to leave and look towards his own future.

Suggested Elements:
* Voiceovers, in the form of a narrator that connects the interviews, segments and overall story the documentary is trying to portray.
* Interviews with different people (Both experts and the people involved: Kevin, the mother, their parents, friends etc)
* Dramatic themes and styles, such as black and white shots to show changes in mood.
* Still shots and quick cuts at the beginning in a montage-esque setup to sum up what has happened before this point in the documentary (eg. what had happened before the break)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Testing Equipment

We have been trying out different microphones including Boom Mic and Radio Mic to see what type of equipment we will be using for out filming.


We have been watching documentaries, recently, and many of them use a similar convention.

We first watched The World's Most Enhanced Woman and Me
They open with a narrative explaining what the documentary is about. This includes a short insight into what the documentary is featuring, it usualy features short interviews and narrative comments about what is being shown. After a small title sequence, the documentary opens on Mark Dolan explaining, who he is and what his goal is.

Unlike convention, Mark Dolan actualy physicaly appears on screen, wheres in most documentaries the narration is done via voiceover. Explaining what is happeneing and introducing new scenes. But Mark Dolan has a different approach to documenting, he physcaly meets the people hes intervewing and feautres in the shots. And as narrration, there is usualy a shot of him wlaking along some location.

Secondly we watched Extraordinary People: Season 3 - The Tiniest Girl in the World
Like the first documentary, this one opened with a small segemnt of the documentary. Breifing on what thje documnentary is about and a small insight into what is to come. Then their is a breif title sequence, which is generic through the entire series.

Tree Man - After Surgery


Currently doing research into different types of documentaries on