Catchup Montage
Main program title & theme.
Close-up of Main Character, hooded walking down an alleyway towards camera.
We've been following Kevin, 17. Who impregnated a younger on a one night stand, and now is in a relationship with her'
Medium shots of Beth sat in garden with BFFL, long shot of her father looking in from the window.
Beth, 16. Kevin's girlfriend now 3 month pregnant, and is just starting to show the signs of pregnancy'
Show Main Character sat in undisclosed location with friends, close up of him, few friends faces and on alcohol he is drinking.
Kevin persists to drink even though hes soon to be a father facing this makes him try and drink himself unconscious'
Program title shown: 'The Pregnant Guy'
Scene1 (Kevin And Beths Breakup, October 27th):
Camera on clock, aruond 6/7ish watching second hand ticking, pan to beth who is sat at home in dressing gown on laptop with TV just for background noise.
Beth 'Dammit where is he?'
N 'Waiting for Kevin?'
Beth 'Yea he said he was meeting me today'
Camera on clock again, time passage to 21:20
Beth 'Hes. . . hes, in town, now . . . when he should be here'
N 'How do you know?'
Beth 'Hes just put it online'
Shot of Kevins Twitter update Dissolve to next shot
Shot of can of beer on table picked up and drank, camera pans out to show kevin and his friends sat at a table with drinks.
Drunken Banter
Kevin and friends walking down a street singing, arms round each other. Fade to black, musical jingle as fade out.
Scene2 (Beth at Home, October 28th)
Fade in on a sunrise, with jingle still playing
N 'With the events of the previous night still fresh, keving standing beth up, and going out and getting drunk against her will, still feeling rough from the next day, Kevin decides to give beth a visit'
Kevin walking up to Beths house, up the drive the camera following him down the drive to the door. Foused on his feet as he walks. Camera pans up as Kevin knocks.
The door opens, to reveal Beths dad, stood in the doorway with a displeased look upon his face.
Dad 'What now?'
Kevin 'I want to talk to Beth'
Dad 'I think youve said enough'
Kevin, Quizzical look
Dad 'Take your bull and get off my lawn'
Door slams shut
Kevin 'What the hell, i mean prick, let me see her'
Bangs on door
Kevin 'Oh for f**ks sake, what the hell'
Kevin storms off back down the drive and off the street.
Scene3 (Beths Descion):
Scene4 (Kevin At The Clinic, November 9th):
Long shot of unrelated something, panning down onto Kevin, following him up the street via, hand held camera.
Kevin then walks into family planning clinic and camera pans to the family planning logo.
Next shot - Dissolve to close up of clock, zoom out to see Kevin stood at reception talking to receptionist
'If you take a seat someone will be with you momentarily'
Kevin turns and walks out of shot towards seats.
Cut to Kevin sat facing camera being interviewed
N 'What do you hope to get from talking to the pregnancy adviser'
brief talk from Kevin.
Tanoy:'Kevin Burrows would you please go in to see the adviser now'
Kevin stands up, and walks out of room.
Scene5 (Kevins Ephiphany, November 9th):
Scene6 (Kevins meeting with beth):